Västra Varvsgatan 8
Here you will find information about our parking Västra Varvsgatan 8 in Malmö. Welcome to us at Aimo Park!
Västra Varvsgatan 8 View in maps
Short term prices
Short term prices
Zone code 8666 Västra Varvsgatan 8, personalparkering
Weekdays 06-18:
Permit required
Other time:
1 h - 28 SEK
24 h - 150 SEK
Service fee app: 4,95 SEK -
Zone code 8625 Västra Varvsgatan 8, besöksparkering
Every day 00-24:
1 h - 28 SEK
24 h - 150 SEK
Service fee app: 4,95 SEK
This facility is only available for short term parking.
- Number of parking spots: 81
- Indoors: No
Opening hours for short term parking
IN 00–24OUT 00–24
About the facility
To be able to rent a parking spot you need to be an employee at Kockum Fritid.
Short term prices
Zone code 8666 Västra Varvsgatan 8, personalparkering
Weekdays 06-18:
Permit required
Other time:
1 h - 28 SEK
24 h - 150 SEK
Service fee app: 4,95 SEK -
Zone code 8625 Västra Varvsgatan 8, besöksparkering
Every day 00-24:
1 h - 28 SEK
24 h - 150 SEK
Service fee app: 4,95 SEK
- EV charging
Payment methods for short term parking
- Visa
- Circle K
- MasterCard
- OKQ8
- American Express
- St1
- Coin payment
- Shell
- Volvo
- Aimo app